Hits: 61437
The NSABA focuses on programs that support and extend the capability of existing public school systems. Summer learning, weekend learning, and specialized training are all offered to supplement core learning that supports public school learning. By improving public education, we can reach the greatest number of disadvantaged students.
Summer Essentials Academy
The Summer Essentials Academy will offer a full day of learning to students staring in the 7th grade. The purpose of the academy is to increase student proficiency in math and reading, core indicators of education success.
Weekend Study Camp
Weekend Study Camps will be offered throughout the year to teach students to be better students. Not only will subject tutoring be offered, but the camps will focus on improving student study habits, host reading clubs, offer safe and silent study rooms.
The Computer Science Academy
To build a better workforce and prepare students and adults for the bright future, the Computer Science Academy will focus on training the next generation of workers in computer programming, network security, and artificial intelligence.
The Family Resource Center
Stable, healthy families are the most important contributors to a better education, and are crucial to reducing poverty. The Family Resource Center will bring together programs and educational resources on family finance, career counseling, as well as classes in family life education.
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Before Covid, Urban Schools Were Already In Trouble
Hits: 3036 Public education has certainly been impacted by the Covid-19 crisis. While distance learning works for many, the majority of students who struggled with remote learning were poor minorities.[…]
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