P100 – Fatherhood 101

When we stop believing in a future where race does not matter, we stop aspiring to be fully human.

Hits: 75

Course Title: Fatherhood 101: Becoming the Father Your Child Needs

Duration: 4 Weeks/1 Day a Week for 2 hours

Dates: Saturday, 12/5/2020. 12/12/2020, 12/19/2020, 1/2/2021

Time: 9AM – 11AM

Class Size: Limited to 20 Fathers

Audience: Fathers and Fathers-To-Be

Cost: FREE. Registration Fee is $10. Fee is returned on course completion.

Course Description: This class is life-changing for fathers and their children. This class focuses on helping fathers become more consistently involved with their children. It teaches dad to understand why children need their fathers, what only a dad can offer, and finally, what are the simple, practical steps any man can take to become the dad their children need them to be.

  • Week 1: Understanding A Child’s Thinking and Limitations.
  • Week 2: Remembering Yourself As A Child.
  • Week 3: Why Your Child Needs YOU.
  • Week 4: Becoming the Father Your Child Needs.

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