Letting Dad Be Dad: A Course for Mothers

Letting Dad Be Dad: A Course for Mothers



Hits: 105

Duration: 4 Weeks/1 Day a Week for 2 hours

Dates: Septemby 2021, Classes forming

Time: 9AM – 11AM

Class Size: Limited to 20 Mothers

Audience: Mothers

Cost: FREE. The registration Fee is $10. The fee is returned on course completion.

Course Description: This class is designed to help mothers find better ways to include their child’s father as an active co-parent. Men and women can be very different in how they approach daily parenting and discipline. This class explores some of the different ways men and women traditionally approach parenting and teachings useful technics parents can use to work together for the benefit of their children. This course can be of value to all mothers, but it is intended for households where the father does not live in the home.

  • Week 1: Stresses of Motherhood
  • Week 2: Challenges of discipline
  • Week 3: A Father’s Role
  • Week 4: Parenting Together Beyond the Stress